“The whole world is a sea of marvels.
Yet, we call them ordinary things.”

Samantha Grob works as a language teacher & writer in Switzerland. She toils as a professional wordsmith, fencing with syllable ravels, ideally weaving them into meaningful texts with bits of logic. She writes coherently in German and English, does copywriting, and proofreading. Her intercultural upbringing continues to inspire her writing because she grew up as an adventurer between East and West — travelling the globe as much as grazing through books. She even had a pet camel! Samantha firmly believes that imagination is the only valid currency in life, and writing is an infinite voyage of exploration.

P.S. Once upon a time, Samantha studied Fine Arts in Belgium; as well as European and Persian art history and philosophy in Germany. As an art historian, she worked in international art galleries and at art fairs like Art Basel.

Fun Facts: She adores green tea, the Moomins and diving.

Selected Commissions

Art Reviews

  • Nadja Abt, Es rumort im Keller. Kunstbulletin, 03/2024

  • Group Show: Interdependencies - Perspektiven zu Care und Resilienz, Das Ich im Museum, Kunstbulletin, 1-2/2024

  • Group Show: Alina Kopytsia, Sarah Marinetti & Valentin Rilliet, Kunstbulletin, 12/2023

  • Mandy El-Sayegh, AICAramba, 09/2023

  • Fabian Treiber, Wo die Winde weh’n, Kunstbulletin, 7-8/2023

  • Reading Rämistrasse #122: Samantha Grob zu Sarah Ancelle Schönfeld bei jevouspropose, 06/2023

  • Louisa Gagliardi, Homo Deus, Kunstbulletin, 05/2023

  • Pippa Garner, Kunstbulletin, 04/2023

Essays / Short Stories

How may I help you?

How may I help you?

I write.
I copywrite.
I proofread.

If you think you can benefit from my help in any way
bringing order into your thoughts, actions or articulations,
reach out to me!

Waseem Ahmed, Untitled, 2015,
27.5 x 21.5 cm, pigment color,
gold leaf, silver leaf on archival wasli paper, Courtesy Latitude 28

Book Projects

  • A humble book for small and big people honouring life through simple acts like walking, eating and being.
    Trilogy with illustrations by the artist Christina Benz:

Hymn To Walking, Vol. 1, tbc 2025
Hymn To Eating, Vol. 2,
Hymn To Being, Vol. 3

  • Kinderbuch: Das Mädchen, das einen Wald pflanzte, tbc, 2025

  • Children’s book: From Small to Significant, tbc
    (seeking illustrator)

Samantha Grob. Art Historian. Writer. Portfolio. Writings. Zurich. Switzerland.

I believe that life is a symphony of simple joys, and I cherish every note of it! May all my writings strive to make its hymns and chants audible…